Elopement Activity Ideas | Colorado Elopement Photographer & Planning Assistant

A lot of couples don’t know what they want when it comes to what to do on their elopement day. Some don’t even know all their options in Colorado. When planning your elopement you should think about it like you are each planning the most epic date day/honeymoon/intentional celebration of your love (or multi-day). What would make you feel most loved, free & comfortable to do together? What would you do to make your partner feel loved? How can you be intentional in each moment? Maybe you try something new. Or maybe you include the activities you both already love and enjoy together. You can explore a new place or go somewhere that feels more like home. The options are pretty much endless for the way you craft your day. But if you are stuck and need a place to get the ideas flowing check out this list of elopement activity ideas!

Chill Indoor/At Your Place Elopement Activity Ideas

Slow down with these easy and relaxed activities. Do things that make you happy on your elopement day. Or try something new together.

a couple shares coffee as an activity on their elopement day

Take a bubble bath or hot tub together.

Play a card or board game.

Write your personal vows to each other.

Help one another get dressed.

Drink coffee or tea.

Make & enjoy breakfast together.

Do yoga.

Play your favorite music.

Smoke a joint.

Chill Outdoor Couple’s Activities

These chill and relaxed outdoor elopement activity ideas will have you ready to just go do some of them. This list is my love language. Find what speaks to you as a couple and do things that make you genuinely happy on your elopement day.


a couple relaxing in a hammock on their elopement day as a way to relax and take it all in


Hot Springs



Riding Bikes

Get a Beer From a Local Brewery

Explore a mountain town

Shop & dine local

Gondola Ride

Road Trip

Adventure Outdoor Couple’s Activities

If you’re more of an adrenaline junkie and outdoor enthusiast then some of these elopement activity ideas might be more up your alley. You can combine the adventurous elopement activities with the chill indoor ones and make for the perfect all-day elopement experience.

4×4 Off-Roading

a couple skis together to celebrate their love on their elopement day





Rent a boat for a lake day

Snowboarding & Skiing



Sledding or Tubing


Hot Air Balloon

Float Plane

Ski Diving

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